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AGM - Tuesday, 4th May 2021 at 6 pm

Members of the public and press are entitled to be at the following meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meeting) Act 1960 Section 1 extended by Local Government Act 1972 Section 100 unless precluded by the Parish Council by resolution during the whole or part of the proceedings. Such entitlement does not however include the right to speak on any matter except at the commencement of the meeting given over specifically for that purpose. Although not a requirement to do so, prior notification to the Clerk by noon the previous Friday would enable a full response when appropriate to be given.

Please note that due to the current Covid-19 Coronavirus situation, the Parish Council will meet virtually via Zoom (http://zoom/us/) as permitted in the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus)(Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings)(England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (“the 2020 Regulations”) Any members of the public wishing to attend the meeting should contact before 5pm on Monday, 3rd May 2021 for the meeting ID code.

Wednesday, 28th April 2021

To: All members of Broomfield Parish Council

You are summoned to a meeting of Broomfield Parish Council to be held at on Tuesday, 4th May 2021 at 6 pm, when the following business will be transacted.

Yours faithfully

Clare Winter

Clare Winter

Clerk to the Parish Council

6 pm - prior to the start of the meeting

Questions and comments from members of the public (limited to 20 minutes in total)

Members of the public will not be permitted to speak during the remote meeting but may contact the Clerk ( by 5 pm on Monday, 3rd May 2021 to ask questions, raise concerns or make comments on matters affecting Broomfield Parish. No decision can be taken during this session, but the Chair may decide to refer any matter for consideration.

Reports from County and District Councillors

The County and District Councillors are invited to give short oral or written reports on matters affecting Broomfield Parish.


1. Apologies

Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.

2. Declarations of Interest

The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.

In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.

3. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on the 30th March 2021 have been circulated with the summons to this meeting.

4. Elections

4.1 Election of Chair

4.2 Election of Vice Chair

5. Appointments

5.1 Parish Path Liaison Officer

5.2 Village Hall Representative

5.3 Cluster Representative

5.4 AONB Representative

6. Finance

6.1 Audit

The Council will consider the Internal Audit

6.2 Annual Governance Statement

The Council will consider the Annual Governance Statement


Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, any members of the public are allowed to take photographs, film and audio record the proceedings and report on all public meetings (including on social media). No prior notification is needed, but it would be helpful to let the Clerk know of any plans to film or record so that all necessary arrangements can be made to provide reasonable facilities to report on meetings. This permission does not extend to private meetings or parts of meetings which are not open to the public. All recording and photography equipment should be taken away if a public meeting moves into a session which is not open to the public.

If you are recording the meeting, you are asked to act in a reasonable manner and not disrupt the conduct of meetings, for example, by using intrusive lighting, flash photography or asking people to repeat statements for the benefit of the recording. You may not make an oral commentary during the meeting. The Chair has the power to control public recording and/or reporting so it does not disrupt the meeting. Recording must be clearly visible to anyone at the meeting.

Please note that members of the public exercising their right to speak during Public Question Time may be recorded.

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