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Contact Details for Highway and Traffic-Related Matters

Please find details of the best forms of contact for highway and traffic-related matters.


1. Simple transactional service requests (e.g. potholes) - the hyperlink below takes you to the 'report it online' area of the Councils' website which explains how to report a problem or issue associated with the highway.  This will be suitable for most enquiries and the quickest way to get the issue resolved.


The 'report a problem on the road' link takes you to 19 different categories to report online e.g. potholes, overhanging vegetation, flooding, blocked drains and gullies, which should all be reported online as you will receive a fast response as they are directly linked to our Highways Team.  Report a problem on the road (  â€‹


2. For more detailed enquiries - whilst most issues can be dealt with using the 'report it online', there may be other, more complex enquiries from Parish Councils and the public.


The hyperlink Roads, travel and parking ( takes you to eleven sub-menus of different enquiries and information that may help.


3. If the remaining enquiries cannot be dealt with by any of the above - please use the following email address:

Area Highways Office (North) –

Streetworks (Public Utility issues) – or use this link to One Network for roadworks information.


Traffic matters –


Bridges and structures –


Highway trees –


Rights of way –


Highway lighting –


Highway development control -

2025 Broomfield Parish Council
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